Quilt guild of greater houstonDedicated to promoting the Art of Quilting and providing an opportunity for sharing ideas and learning new techniques.February 18, 2025 Business Meeting/Zoom and In-Person February 21, 2025 Day Meeting/Zoom and In-Person If you need a link to our meetings, please register for the event Upcoming Events and a Zoom Link will be sent out the day before the event. Members will receive a link the day before meetings. | To make a payment on an invoice go to your profile page. (Click on the little white man and select view profile.) |
Welcome to quilt Guild of greater houston website
Contact Us Meetings are at 7PM on the third Tuesday and 10AM on the third Friday and usually run 2 hours or less.The Tuesday meeting is our Business Meeting and a speaker. The Friday meeting is a Lecture only, no business is conducted.We meet at the Congregation Brith Shalom, 4610 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, TX 77401. ****Some meetings are Zoom Only and some are In-Person and Zoom.*** Please check our calendar or the Speakers, Workshops and Events Page. Our mailing address is: PO Box 79035 Houston, TX 77279. Contact us at qgghinfotech@gmail.com |
Join or Renew your membership | Visiting Guilds bringingOpportunity QuiltsWe use SignUp Genius to schedule Opportunity Quilts
Upcoming events |