Quilt guild of greater houstonDedicated to promoting the Art of Quilting and providing an opportunity for sharing ideas and learning new techniques. |
Board Position |
Name of Officer |
President | Anna Gay |
1st VP Programs | Elizabeth Fisher |
2nd VP Membership | Laura Casmore |
Secretary | Lynne Hoefer |
Treasurer | Diane Ragan |
Workshops Chair | Bobbie Tompkins |
Daytime Chair | Lorri Heffner |
Newsletter Editor | Emerald Romo |
Representative at Large | Cindy Dewstow |
Program Chair Elect | Julie Down |
Workshop Chair Elect | Rhonda Onwere |
President Elect |
Position | Name | Position | Name |
Bee Coordinator | Anna Gay | Learn to Quilt Booth | Veronica Rutenberg |
Charity Quilt Day | Janet Becker | Librarian | Meg Guldner |
Comforters | Janet Becker | Parliamentarian | Vacant |
Community Service | Shirley Hunter | Publicity | Tricia Bentley |
Door Prize | Amy Theall/Anna Gay | Retreats | Charlotte Betts |
Facility Liaison | Debi Mishael | Treasure Table | Deborah Guttilla |
Grants | Janice Schindeler | ||
Historian/Show and Tell | Patty Reid | ||
IT Chair | Mary Van Speybroeck | 2025 Quilt Show | Janice Schindeler |